Your Calculation Options
Your Calculation Results
Real Property Tax Estimator
Adjust to suit your needs
Must be 1-999999999
Must be 1-365
Must be 10-100
Market Value: | $ | -,--- |
Portability Cap Savings: | $ | -,--- |
Non-School Assessed: | $ | -,--- |
School Assessed: | $ | -,--- |
Non-School Taxable: | $ | -,--- |
School Taxable: | $ | -,--- |
Ad Valorem Tax: | $ | -,--- |
Non-Ad Valorem Tax: | $ | -,--- |
Property Tax Estimate: | $ | -,--- |
The Property Appraiser does NOT set tax rates
Ad Valorem Taxes
Non-Ad Valorem Taxes
Tax estimates do not include every available exemption, discount, cap, rebate, classification, or early payment discount (if applicable).
Brevard Public Schools (BPS) voter-approved teacher pay is new for 2023.